
Magento support process


Whether it’s the delivery of a greenfield project or taking over an existing one, the support processes are very similar. Our goal is to serve rapidly changing business needs as effectively as possible. We assign an experienced product owner to your project (Magento2 product owner), who will guide you through and assist with both technical and business challenges. Don’t worry if you’re not familiar with software development jargon, if you’re unsure about webshop engine maintenance, or if you don’t speak the same language as your ERP system developers. Your product owner and our development team are here to help with that too, and we’ll even warn you about the potential consequences of your decisions or when a security vulnerability update needs to be installed.


We work in weekly sprints to respond quickly to changes in the business environment. This means you can discuss with your Magento webshop product owner on a weekly basis to determine which features you’d like to implement in your store. Every month, we provide a detailed report on our work, including the associated costs and tasks. We believe it’s important for you to receive full and comprehensive service from us and aim to demonstrate this. You will see how much time the product owner (assigned specifically to your project) spent on your project, how many tasks were related to operations and testing, how much time we devoted to planning, and, of course, the software development itself.

We are a smaller team, but we work efficiently. One key to this is automating our processes as much as possible. During the weekly sprints, we deploy our updates several times to the Magento2 test environment created specifically for you, so you can see and use the value-adding solutions as soon as possible.


We thoroughly test all our changes with both automated and manual tests. However, it’s possible that we may not have access to certain external systems, which means we may not be able to fully test the changes or modifications. It’s important that you also have the willingness and resources for this, as we may need to coordinate with colleagues managing related systems, such as ERP systems, or you may need to facilitate the flow of information. Effective collaboration is easier if you have a dedicated person who can quickly make decisions and address questions or issues.


As an enterprise management solution, we use the Atlassian system. Using our dedicated ticketing system, several members of your team can submit bug reports or development requests. You can continuously track the status of submitted tickets and the communication on them, keeping you always up to date on the project’s status.

We send the detailed billing to the designated person via email. This includes information on the tickets and the time spent on them.

You can coordinate weekly with the product owner regarding development plans and how we can schedule these alongside the needs of our other clients. Naturally, there are times when several of us will participate in these meetings, as your requests may impact multiple areas.


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